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Food Animals

I am not a large animal vet, but I do have many opinions on farming and food animals. As a veterinary student I had to spend quite a lot of time on various farms and my first year of practice after graduation was spent in mixed practice. I therefore have some experience on the topic. However my main interest in this area has developed over time as I have become more aware of the effects of our intensive farming methods on animals and ourselves.

This section of the website is for those of you who are interested, as I am in the welfare of all animals, not just the ones we keep as pets. I hope that this section of the web site will give people an insight into what goes on in farming and what they as individuals can do to help ensure that our food animals enjoy a reasonable quality of life. Individuals do have the power to change the standards of animal welfare on farms. If we only purchase food which has been produced to a high standard then the market for "cheap" and poor quality food will demise and producers will improve their standards.

This section of the website will hopefully encourage you to think about how your meat arrives on your plate. Hopefully some people will be encouraged to change the way they shop for food and make changes which will improve things for animals and people. This section is an account of my own experiences and opinions and is not intended to be a reference for veterinary information.

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All Rights Reserved | Content is provided for information only. All content on is protected by copyright and therefore may not be copied without specific written permission from the author. Disclaimer: The content of this website is based upon the opinions of Samantha Coe, unless otherwise stated. Individual articles, extracts, and any links to external sites are based upon the opinions of the respective author(s), who may retain copyright. The information on this website is not intended to replace a consultation with a qualified veterinary professional and is not intended as medical advice. The purpose of this site is the sharing of knowledge and information - Samantha Coe encourages you to make informed healthcare decisions for animals in your care based upon your research and in consultation with your vet.